blog post seo
Blog post SEO: Meta tags
A long time ago you could game the search visibility by adding meta keywords and other meta tags to your site. This resulted in using non-relevant keywords in meta tags to gain more visits through searches. In years to come, the search engines became more sophisticated and started to be more vigilant about gaming search results. And in time, the meta tags lost their significance in search rankings. Though I thought this series had already ended, I had to get back onto it after reading yet another misleading article about search rankings. The article claimed that meta tags affect search ran...
Blog post SEO: Content matters
You know what's the most important part of your blog post SEO? It's easy. The blog post itself. Anything else is decoration and bonus. The content is where you must put most of your effort, if you want your blog posts to show up in searches. Firstly, I must start this with a disclaimer. The other day (or was it today?) I saw someone asking that if SEO wasn't important, why did Google invent it. They didn't. In mid-1990s, when the early search engines surfaced and before Google existed, people where optimising websites for search engines. When I made my first website in 1998, search engine op...
Blog post SEO: Page speed
Optimising your blog posts for people optimises them for search engines. When your users are happy, the search engines are happy too. One thing, that is increasingly important for your readers, is how fast they can reach your blog posts. Slow loading times will turn readers away and keep them from coming back. And that will also hurt the search ranking of your blog posts. As a matter of a fact, SEO professionals say page speed is one of the most important search ranking signals. People online have a very short patience. A slowly loading blog post will be abandoned before anyone even gets to...
Blog post SEO: Optimising images
While I'm not a huge fan of the overvisualised web, it's hard to deny the need for using images within your blog posts. Which is why you may already be stuffing your blog posts with photos, screenshots and other images. However, there are many considerations why images can be a troublesome way to convey your message, especially when it comes to search engine optimisation. People are lazy, busy and love not to read words. Reading a thoughtful article, for most, is slower than glancing an image and moving on. And social media services, the visual kind as Pinterest and Instagram, and the mixed...
Blog post SEO: External and internal links
A few years ago links were considered as the most important search ranking factor. Due to many algorithmic changes, that were made after people started to game search engines, the value of links has been diminished. This has lead people being rather cautious about links, in a fear of being penalised. How do links affect your blog post SEO? Can you use them to improve your search ranking? If you ask anyone with a good knowledge about how the web works, they will tell you that anchor, , is the most important element in HTML. Yes, some might say it's , but they forget one basic trut...
Blog post SEO: Targeting long tail keywords
One of the latest big hits in current search engine optimisation (and advertisement) is utilising long tail keywords. Most recently bloggers have waken up to using long tail keywords in optimising their blog posts for searches. What really are long tail keywords and how to target them? Long tail theory is a widely used theory of the culture and economy shifting from focusing on the relatively small number of "hits" toward a bigger number of specialised products and niches. For example this would mean that a hit song would sell less than multiple less known songs as a combination. Or that a...